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My Airsoft Connection - About Us

Welcome Message

Welcome to My Airsoft Connection. We are hopefully the beginning of a wonderful thing in the world of Airsoft. My Airsoft Connection is a place where players, squads, and businesses can link together to serve the common goal of giving Airsoft a fighting chance in this nation which wants to bury it. The reason Airsoft isn't continually growing is due to the simple fact that even if you live next door to someone who plays you have no way of knowing. So that is exactly what we are here for, to bring all those people together.

Paid Purchases

While this site is free to individual members; squads, event organizer's, store owners, and arena owners do have to pay. You are probably thinking why would I? If this site becomes the largest network of Airsoft Players could you imagine how much you would be saving on advertising? For a simple monthly fee you get not only a website but get to be searched for by city. If you have a large fan base you can mass e-mail for specials, important news, or a change in any information. This website will place your business in the eyes of those players near your store, it could in essence generate more business potential.

Squad Information

Now that bit of information is out of the way let's get in to some serious matters. First we will start into squads because we can't live without teamwork. Each squad will get a memberlist showing members and their information, event registration allowing squad events and sign ups for paid events, forums allowing discussions, a section for others to fill out applications, and news archive allowing you to post what's up. The Admin section will allow the admin to modify squad rank, titles, awards, ribbons, forums, the about us page, contact information, and the news. Comprhesive programming allows you to take your squad and make it public, even get challenged by rival squads and meet up at your local arena to battle.

Arena Information

Next we will get into the arena websites. Each arena will be able to display pictures of their arenas including floorplans if they have them. Arena Owners will be able to display rental equipment and prices, rules and regulations, waivers, and even the location with Google Map's driving directions. Each arena site will be shown to anyone within a general radius as recommendations for them to check out, this will put your arena in the eyes of those close enough to visit. For a low monthly price you can directly advertize your arena to the customers that matter the most. Why try for TV ads which may never be on when your customers are watching and why advertise on random websites when you can directly get placed in the eyes of those close to you. Give it some thought and it could be a good investment.

Event Information

Are you tired of your events coming up short because you can't seem to get it known to a large group of people? Right here you can purchase single sites per events to host each one of your events. For a small price you can host your events and get a predicted total of possible airsoft players who will be attending. Squads can select your events for registration on their sites and solo players who aren't affiliated with a squad can register themselves. With detailed information and driving directions you can finally get your event out to the general public in a larger radius to allow for more of a good turnout. Don't just take my word for it, search through the events to see what you can get yourself.

Store Information

Ever thought about taking your store to the online world? If you want to start you surely don't want to place it out in the middle of the ocean where it's hard for your customers to find. Wouldn't you love it if your store could be found by members who not only live near it but others who would love to make orders and want it to come in rather quickly? While we cannot offer e-commerce opportunities we can give you a basic portal to your e-commerce website. Here you can advertise directly to people in your general area who are looking for product. You can even have places in the forums for people to suggest gear and weapons for you to carry or special order for them. Allow your e-commerce airsoft business to have a fighting chance besides it will allow for better competition among the products to allow better deals for the customers.

Why do we do this?

Unlike many websites we believe in Airsoft and it's survival. We are going to offer safety guidelines and other bits of information to the airsoft community to ensure a better chance of airsoft not becoming illegal in the states where it's still legal. We do charge for squad, event, arena, and store websites but it is still a better deal for advertising to the people who matter most. We do encourage that customers matter the most, so we will take care of any customer of ours because we hope you are taking care of any customer of yours. Please don't feel afraid to contact us and ask any questions that you feel need to be answered, don't forget to read the F.A.Q. and check on the prices. Thank you for taking your time to read about us and we hope that you will confide in us to promote your business needs.
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